Thursday, October 09, 2008


last sun, watching 五月天 perform in SuperBand finals, brought back fond memories

7th September 2001 你要去哪裡?巡迴演唱會 Singapore Expo. This concert marked 五月天's temporary hiatus of two years.

I attended the concert with xiaodi when i have not even heard of 五月天 lol

well it was a concert of a lifetime.... 五月天 was not that famous yet, but had a cult following... a band that writes its own songs were rare back then...

superb live band, made a fan out of me after one concert... 五月天 is made for live concerts....

the concert hall was not very big, round stage at the centre, we have very good seats, few rows from the front... once concert starts, the crowd went wild... went forward and bounced that night away... though i really have not heard any of their songs, mandarin or hokkien.... big Beatles fan, they threw in a few Beatles song... at least something familiar for me :)

its oso the closest i have even been to the stage in any concert... can even feel the sweat lol

this is my alltime fav from 五月天....


走在風中 今天陽光 突然好溫柔
天的溫柔 地的溫柔 像你抱著我
然后發現 你的改變 孤單的今后
如果冷 該怎么渡過
天邊風光 身邊的我 都不在你眼中
你的眼中 藏著什么 我從來都不懂
沒有關系 你的世界 就讓你擁有
不打擾 是我的溫柔
不知道 不明瞭 不想要 為什么 我的心
明明是想靠近 卻孤單到黎明
不知道 不明瞭 不想要 為什么 我的心
那愛情的綺麗 總是在孤單里
不知不覺 不情不愿 又到巷子口
我沒有哭 也沒有笑 因為這是夢
沒有預兆 沒有理由 你真的有說過
如果有 就讓你自由

不知道 不明瞭 不想要 為什么 我的心
明明是想靠近 卻孤單到黎明
不知道 不明瞭 不想要 為什么 我的心
那愛情的綺麗 總是在孤單里
不知不覺 不情不愿 又到巷子口
我沒有哭 也沒有笑 因為這是夢
沒有預兆 沒有理由 你真的有說過
如果有 就讓你自由
自由 這是我的溫柔

why? this is one of their less cheem song (O level C6 after 4 attempts)

one that i can actually read off the screen and sing without checking dictionary

well at least 80% of the song lol